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Legacy of Aein
Name: Legacy of Aein

About: The game is an online strategy game using the Mirage Source Engine. Every 30 minutes a tick passes and each player will receive 10 action points. These are stored up to 8 hours worth of ticks even while the player is offline. Moving on the maps will take up action points.

All of the cities made in the game are created by the players. From these points they can train troops and transfer them in and out of their army. Every tick that passes the city will produce as long as it has certain buildings in them.

There will be many different type of units. A few examples are soldiers, sages, and monks. Transport units will consist of horses, boats, and airships.

Player stats are much different than standard Mirage. There is War, Wisdom, Leadership, Spirit, and Destiny. There are also other factors such as Fame that will come into play.

Artifacts are items that players can find throughout the world. These will not be items that most are used to. There is no need for wear locations. And every artifact is one of a kind. Some players may go some time with no artifacts in their possession whatsoever.

Players also have the option of creating a kingdom of which others can join and work together to dominate the world of Aein.

Summary: Everything I have stated above has already been coded. I am currently working on keeping all players loaded on the map at all times. Also the ability of setting a path for when the player is offline. Weather, Skills, and Spells are also in the works. Each game will run for roughly 2-3 months.

I don't have any custom gfx or sprites yet. Don't be too amused with the screen shots, I am currently working purely on game mechanics rather than making it look pretty. When I am finished coding, I'll begin the work on that.

I apologize for not going more in depth on the game. I tend to concentrate more on the work rather than trying to show off anything. But keep an eye out, I will be testing within this month of May.


Thanks. I just need to get the game to keep all the players on the map when they log off and load them when the server loads. I have some ideas how to go about this, but I am hesitant to do so, cause it's going to be a lot of changes. And I am trying to come up with the best solution.
"Summary: Everything I have stated above has already been coded"

That is brilliant, for the first time someone has come here with an impressive bunch of features which are actually done.

Looking good =)
My game is also turn based, but not nearly on your scale, you got mad props.

Mine's simple FFT-style, one man each, 30 second turns.
Now I feel lame. =/
If you need help with anything. Let me know. I don't think having larger tick turns are better. It all depends on the style you are aiming for. My game will be slow paced and designed for players who cannot be online 24/7. Instead, you can login whenever you get a chance; make some moves and log off.

Btw, if you ever open for testing contact me. I love FFT style.
Mine's much smaller scale, you join a lobby, and go into missions with other players, complete it, and are taken out of the world, but it works within the setting.. >.<

How do you handle blitting?
I decided since there's not alot of action packed deals going on, to only re-blit when an NPC/player moves.
Same here with the re-blit. I won't have NPCs and there is only one frame for a character.

The style you are making, I actually was going to do that on the side if I had time. I had an idea of an arena style game that was tick based for 30 seconds. The server would load different tournaments with awards like gold or items. All the players would start in a chat room. They could join the tournament and fight in teams, 1 on 1, or free for all.

It would be like FFT, but always pvp.
I just got it to work with loading an offline player and then being able to login with a different character and targeting them and performing actions with them. I just need to fix it so when you login and your character is already loaded into an index, that you will load into the same one. That should be fairly easy to do.

Once I finish having all players loaded at all times whether or not they are online. I will begin to work on a path program. This will allow players to set their army on course and not be forced to be online to move them every tick. This too shouldn't be too difficult.

Multi-Level maps:
There will be three levels of maps in the World of Aein.

You will have the first which is what most strategy games are based on; and that is outside terrain. This will consist of mountains, rivers, lakes, grass lands, forests, deserts, oceans etc.
Depending on the location, the cities will have to deal with different weather affects. Their resources will generally be average, differing slightly from each location.

The second will be underground. There will be a series of cavernous openings where players can enter the Krizmn deeps. Cities beneath the planet will be able to raise giant spiders and use them as mounts. They will also gain bonuses with mining resources and penalties with others if able to produce at all. Their cities will be protected from adverse weather affects.

The third will be the skies, or otherwise known as The Silhouette Heights. There will be many small floating islands in the sky. These are only reachable through dragon transports or airships. These magnificent sky gardens will be lush and fruitful for the cities that are able to develop there. This level also be protected from weather affects, but very difficult to reach.

*Comments: I wanted to give the game a slightly different feel than most strategy games. Having the multiple layers of maps will prove to be trickier for war. Players will tend to master only some of the units and tactics during each era(1-3 months long).


Soldiers will be the primary unit that is most commonly seen on the battlefield. They will cheap to train. Barracks will be needed to produce them. Their attacks will depend on the general's war stat, skills, and which tactic they which to use.

Sages will be the utility power of the game. Unlike most styles, they will not be firing constant fireballs and devastating enemies using mana or mp. Instead they will aid generals in using different skills in many different areas. This may be assessing an enemy's army, helping produce a bountiful crop, giving advice, and much more. Arcaneums are needed to produce sages.

Monks will be a completely unique unit. During the game, players can decide to worship a god or goddess. Also, whenever a city is created; that city will also worship the god or goddess that the character has chosen. Depending on which god or goddess and how many monks the player has in either the city or the army, mysterious blessings and bonuses will occur at random. There is no direct action to cause these affects to work; it is purely "mysterious". If a player takes over a city from a different player and that city does not worship their deity. The player will be forced to convert the city, otherwise until that time comes; the city they have taken will have a much lowered morale and production much less. Monks are produced through temples.

Transport Units:

Horses are the most common. When an army contains 1 horse for every 2 units, that army will be able to move using less action points every tick. Also, different skills will require other ratios to perform certain tactics in battle. If an army loses too many horses, their tactics thus will be hindered. Stables will produce horses.

Boats will be used for any water travel; whether it is lakes, streams, or oceans. It will require 1 boat for every 100 units(includes horses). If an army is moving on land with boats, they will be required more action points to move. Boats will be crucial for any island nation or tactics in the water. Docks will produce boats and the city must be directly next to a water tile.

Giant Spiders are used in the majority of underground travel. Players will be required to have 1 giant spider for every 1 unit. Giant spiders are much slower than horses, but allow armies to move at normal speed underground. Horses on the other hand will have an extremely difficult time. Outdoors, giant spiders will move at normal speed also. On top of this, they will provide soldiers with an additional attack bonus and open up some unique skills. Stables underground will produce them.

Air Ships are the creations of a city with high tech levels. Though very expensive and difficult to make, these floating machines will carry 50 units for every 1 air ship. Players will be able to fly over all terrain and move directly up a level to the floating islands. In the world of Aein, this is their highest level of technology. However they cannot fight while in the air and must land every time they wish to attack. Work shops produce air ships.

*Comments: I am still undecided about splitting soldiers up into different types. I was considering having archers, knights, etc. With enough skills and tactics it may not be needed.

Any comments or ideas?
Did you consider ever having terrain bonuses?

Such as each tile having it's own % in it's data3 (Or whatever) stored, and that value being applied to the unit's Defensive stats.

E.g. Tree tiles give you 27% defensive bonus, making it require strategy on some level to where you leave your unit when you aren't playing. Someone resting in a stronghold would be much better protected while away from the game than someone in a field.
It was lingering in the back of my mind. You just opened a doorway of ideas. There could be a tactic called fortify for eg. If you are on a forest tile then your army temporarily makes a fort out of the trees and such. That is just one possibility. On the plains your horses would be faster and more deadly.

Thanks, when I have time I am going to write up something for all the tiles and terrain affects.

I will use tile types for the terrain. The data will contain what is built there. This will make it easier to place walls, bridges, and forts on the actual map. It will give the wisdom stat more use in the strategy aspect.
Yep, I am undecided about mountains at the moment. If I do decide to allow passage through them, it's going to require a lot of action points. I think also forging rivers I might base it on the weather and season of the year. Cause if it's spring and very rainy it will be dangerous to cross if at all.

Question: The idea of picking your own theme midi for your city? Not uploading one, but from a choice of custom music.

Some custom midis I have made. Music is NOT one of my strong points :-)

(Scroll to the bottom of the page to download when you click on the link.)

A lot of these are not good at all, not finished, or have problems. If anyone happens to use them, just give me credit. If someone wants to take one and make it better, send it to me and you will be given full credit for it.
Quote:The idea of picking your own theme midi for your city? Not uploading one, but from a choice of custom music.

By the way, don't quit working on this game. evar!
Thanks. The encouragement keeps me going. I am pretty hardcore on this right now. This is not going to be a game I am going to let go of. The first game I made was when I was in high school, and I worked on it for 8 years. I was less skilled and much of it became a horrible mess of code. I eventually ditched it, but I learned much from the experience.

Question: Numbers or text? Eg. Instead of seeing 0 lumberyards you would see none. When you work on lumberyards you would see small. Then the more you work on them medium. Might use different text, but you get the drift. Also same question with stats. Instead of War: 90; maybe War: Tactical Master. Comments?
If i wanted a strategy game i would probably go out and by one :|
If I wanted a fantasy MMO, I'd prolly pick up WoW, yet people keep making them.
In fantasy anything can happen thats why people make fantasy games more
And in a fantasy strategy game.. nothing can happen?

I don't understand.
chaoscauser Wrote:In fantasy anything can happen thats why people make fantasy games more

Your logic is flawed.
I think the only limitations out there reside within the person's ability to see outward and the connections between ideas and reality.

lol I don't know if that made any sense, but I decided to throw it out there! :twisted:

Chaoscauser, thanks for sharing your opinion though. I understand that not everyone likes the same thing. When I am hungry for pizza, I'd rather just order it and have it delivered. How about you?
I just finished the code for logging in all the players when the server boots up. Also, when you log in it will remove the pre-loaded character and clear the index and place you into the game. Then when you log off, it will keep your character in the game.

Next Steps:
Path Setting
Adjusting Formulas
Begin Testing(one week duration)


Added movement points.
Added Workshops.
Added Rams.

Question: I am at the cross roads here. I was planning on having just this for units, Soldier, Sage, Monk, Boat, Horse, Giant Spider, Ram, Air Ship, and Dragon. With enough tactics I feel this should be enough for now. Any comments?
Clicking on the square where the player(s) are.

Selecting a player and displaying their info.

When I use the list box, would it be better for me to create it when needed, then destroy it? Or just keep the control invisible and make it visible?

Also, you think I should just get rid of displayed names on the map? Cause if you can click on them and it displays it, that seems good enough to me.

Now you can click on the tiles while in the game and it will tell the conditions of that spot.

EG: Click on tile. It is mountains, the weather and wind will be the same for the map. And also showed day/night. I might add dusk and dawn though later.

Terrain Types: Plains, Forests, Mountains, Swamps, Water
*Note: I might add Barren, light forests, hills, ocean, fresh water.

If you settle a city on different types, that city will gain a certain bonus.

Eg1: Settle City on plains you will gain a bonus to farming.
*Note: I haven't decided yet if adjacent terrain will also provide bonus.

Eg2: Settle City in swamps you get penalties, but much harder for enemies to attack.

*End Notes:
The time of day will affect certain tactics.
Terrain will affect movement and tactics. Some terrain requires certain transportation to troop ratio cross.
Need to add Temperature.

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