Hm, sounds interesting.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of my work screen shotted, and I recently deleted my game. @.@
Is there anyway I could do some sort of test on the client?
Yea it would be better if you downloaded mirage/playerworlds or something. Your working on one of matts games right? If you finish one of the maps in the Noob Forest and send it to me that would be fine too. Its a bit of a hassle to send you the map editor.
ok then go download mirage/playerworlds and make a map?
Its not clear he will get the spot. I have pretty high standards, and a few people lined up to do it already. The map editor is not a very new user friendly tool, but since I programmed it all from scratch, im pretty comfortable modding it to fit any mappers needs.
Map editing and hosting a server are the only things in engines I'm good at. XD I'm learning scripting, but I'm pretty sure it's useless in Mirage anyways.
If you need a *little* help and your mapeditor isn't huge and ugly I wouldn't mind helping.