25-08-2009, 05:50 AM
Hello, I currently have Aphelia on the back burner and I feel like people could make good use for it so I'm releasing it open source. Under no circumstances am I responsible for making any more updates or fixing any bugs or such. I will however take responsibility to answer questions and help people with small coding problems if necessary. This will be an open-source community, the engine's future is in the hands of those who want to make it better. The whole thing is licensed under GNU GPL. This is not a fully working ORPG engine, NPCs, items, spells, etc need to be added, but that should be no problem since I already have the basics setup like packets and maps and such.
Please visit http://www.unfriedchicken.com to join the community and download the source code! Hope to see you there =]
Quote:Aphelia Engine Source is an VB.NET ORPG Framework meant for hobbyists.
Any questions, concerns, or to check for community based updates, please see http://www.unfriedchicken.com.
© 2009 Lukas Stranks A.K.A "Toast" & Jack
For more information on Jack please see http://www.pchelphq.com (Owner).
Please visit http://www.unfriedchicken.com to join the community and download the source code! Hope to see you there =]