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Seemless Scrolling
I followed Misunderstoods tutorial for seemless scrolling maps and I have run into a problem. ... 0Maps.html

When I try and test it I get a subscript out of range on this line in BltTile.

With SMaps(Mapnum).Tile(RealX, RealY)

I have added extra layers but I don't think thats the problem, I think it may have something to do with the way my maps are saved and loaded server side? Currently they are saved as a single binary file. I am not sure if this is a problem or not. However I could be way off. I am hoping somebody here can help me, if you need me to post any more code or anything just let me know. Thanks again.
Add this in Sub Main:

ReDim SMaps(7)

For a = 0 To 7
ReDim SMaps(a).Tile(0 To MAX_MAPX, 0 To MAX_MAPY)
Next a

In iLoadMap, make sure you have this line after the filename = line..

ReDim SMaps(Size).Tile(0 To MAX_MAPX, 0 To MAX_MAPY)

In the LoadSurroundingMaps sub, make sure you have this code after the dims:

ReDim SMaps(7)
    ReDim BlankMap.Tile(0 To MAX_MAPX, 0 To MAX_MAPY)

That should be it. I think.
Well, Perfekt helped me out a lot more on GTalk and we got it figured out. Good thing he was around to help me when nobody else was xD haha. Thanks man.
Np. You're lucky I figured it out so quick and easily. I haven't done any programmin' in about a month or two.
Asrrin29 Wrote:Hey Perfekt, still know how to do this? I'm having issues with getting it working...

I'm assuming by the other post that you got it working. If you didn't though, feel free to message me on Yahoo.


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