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RM** Sprites Converter
This will convert RMXP, RMVX, whatever sprites to the single row set up. (RM** has 4 row set up, this converts to single row for use with MS type engines)

This is a modification of my modification of Tony's Image Splitter. (my original modification was splitting a huge sprite sheet into separate files)
Do one that splits individual squares(for something like an item sheet)
Or do something that lets the user specify what and where it needs to be cut >.>
KruSuPhy Wrote:Do one that splits individual squares(for something like an item sheet)
Or do something that lets the user specify what and where it needs to be cut >.>

I'm sure he meant to say please, instead of sounding so demanding. Wink
I didn't mean to sound demanding, It was more of a suggestion =P
I'm not trying to ask him to do that, It was more of a, "hey, if you do that I'll give you major props and use it like a boss. But if you don't, Meh." thing. Tongue
It only converts 3 directions for RMVX and it puts the up view last instead of first. Lol.

Other than that, it works.
Replace Sub SplitImage with this:

Sub SplitImage()
Dim i As Long
Dim Placehere(0 To 3) As Byte

    frmMain.picConversion.Width = (frmMain.picImage.ScaleWidth * 4) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    frmMain.picConversion.Height = Val(frmMain.txtSizeY) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    Placehere(0) = 1
    Placehere(1) = 2
    Placehere(2) = 3
    Placehere(3) = 0
    For i = 0 To 3 '((frmMain.picImage.ScaleHeight) / Val(frmMain.txtSizeY)) - 1
        BitBlt frmMain.picConversion.hDC, (frmMain.txtFrames * frmMain.txtSizeX) * Placehere(i), 0, frmMain.picImage.ScaleWidth, Val(frmMain.txtSizeY), frmMain.picImage.hDC, 0, i * Val(frmMain.txtSizeY), vbSrcCopy
    TotalSpritesSaved = TotalSpritesSaved + 1
    SavePicture frmMain.picConversion.Image, App.Path & "\Splitted Images\sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension
    AddToLog "sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension & " saved. Conversion finished!"
End Sub
A fix Tongue

Sub SplitImage()
Dim i As Long
Dim Placehere(0 To 3) As Byte

    frmMain.picConversion.Width = (frmMain.picImage.ScaleWidth * 4) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    frmMain.picConversion.Height = Val(frmMain.txtSizeY) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    Placehere(0) = 1
    Placehere(1) = 2
    Placehere(2) = 3
    Placehere(3) = 0
    For i = 0 To 3 '((frmMain.picImage.ScaleHeight) / Val(frmMain.txtSizeY)) - 1
        BitBlt frmMain.picConversion.hDC, (frmMain.txtFrames * frmMain.txtSizeX) * Placehere(i), 0, frmMain.picImage.ScaleWidth, Val(frmMain.txtSizeY), frmMain.picImage.hDC, 0, i * Val(frmMain.txtSizeY), vbSrcCopy
    TotalSpritesSaved = TotalSpritesSaved + 1
    SavePicture frmMain.picConversion.Image, App.Path & "\Splitted Images\sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension
    AddToLog "sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension & " saved. Conversion finished!"
End Sub
Here is a mega update Tongue This supports converting RM2K sprite sheets into MS format sprites. Here's an example RM2K sprite sheet:


And here is the code (replace Sub SplitImage with this):

Sub SplitImage()
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long

    frmMain.picConversion.Width = ((Val(frmMain.txtFrames) * Val(frmMain.txtSizeX)) * 4) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    frmMain.picConversion.Height = Val(frmMain.txtSizeY) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    For x = 0 To 3
        For y = 0 To 1
            For i = 0 To 3
                BitBlt frmMain.picConversion.hDC, _
                       ((frmMain.txtFrames * frmMain.txtSizeX) * i), _
                       0, _
                       frmMain.picImage.ScaleWidth, _
                       Val(frmMain.txtSizeY), _
                       frmMain.picImage.hDC, _
                       x * (frmMain.picConversion.ScaleWidth / 4), _
                       i * Val(frmMain.txtSizeY) + (y * (frmMain.txtSizeY * 4)), _
            TotalSpritesSaved = TotalSpritesSaved + 1
            SavePicture frmMain.picConversion.Image, App.Path & "\Splitted Images\sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension
            AddToLog "sprite" & TotalSpritesSaved & Extension & " saved."
End Sub

Also don't forget to put size X as 48 and size Y as 64.

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