02-09-2007, 12:32 AM
Now, I just copied the /away case and edited it some. This should change the player name to " ", right? It doens't even respond when I type in "/ghost"..
I also want it to set the player sprite to, say, 0, which happens to be the null color. But I still have to figure that out.
Edit: Now "/away" doesn't even respond o.O
Case "/ghost"
'If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 Then
If GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Ghost") = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg("Ghost mode active...", 14)
Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Ghost", 1)
Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index))
Call SetPlayerName(index, " ")
Call SendPlayerData(index)
Exit Sub
ElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Ghost") = 1 Then
Call SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName"))
Call PlayerMsg("Ghost mode deactivated...", 14)
Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Ghost", 0)
Call SendPlayerData(index)
Exit Sub
End If
'End If
Call SetPlayerSprite(Index, 0)
Edit: Now "/away" doesn't even respond o.O