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CerberusV2Archive - Latest Release - Download Offline
Version 0.3.2 is mainly to debut the new design utility, read more below.

Download temporarily unavailabe due to host upgrade.

The most notable changes in this version are:

Main Menu design utility - this nifty little addition makes the main menu for your game completely customisable.
- basically, create a background picture and drop it into the relevant design folder, then use the editor to place capture
- points over it for when an option is clicked. Displayed values and positions for HP and so on are also definable.
* This is my first real piece of coding from scratch.
Picture selection scrollbar maximums in the editors now relate to the maximum amount of each item/npc etc defined in the server configuration utitlity.
- I would suggest adding pictures to the graphics files as each item/npc and so on are created, this helps to keep the
- Game client file size down.
- Please let me know how this works out, I may have to just MAX them at say 1000 so large bitmaps can be added instead.

N.B. This thread will be flushed on every new release
Error when loading the server.

"the request address is not valid in its context"

Or something like that, I think it starts to load Quests or something
This means the server cannot use the IP address you've setup for it. Are you running it from behind a router?
If so you will have to use the IP address set by the router for your PC on the network instead.

Hop this helps, off to work now, i'll be able to help some more later if ya need it.
Ok your right, I know that has to be right lol, people who connect will still have to use my regular IP right?
Yep, anyone that wants to connect to your game will have to use the IP address that your ISP provider gives to you.
If people are still having trouble connecting to your game one of a couple of things could be wrong;

1. one or more firewalls on your system or router may be blocking the port your using, most software firewalls have some kind of notification system the first time an application or game tries to connect to the internet. If not you will have to check the firewall providers website or manual for how to allow the port your using for your game. Likewise for a firewall supplied with your router. NB - There is supposed to be a bug associated with using the default port 4000 on the original MS and Windows XP, I'm not sure what the bug is but I've set the default to 7000 on Cerberus.

2. port forwarding will need to be set up on your router so the host computer can communicate with the outside world (and vice-versa), seems to be the best place for an explanation on how this works and how to get it work with your router.
Ok kool, thx

btw, I frikkin love the GUI editor... Tongue
I must say that this is a splendid engine. I would give it top marks in quality application software if my character wasn't disconnected when accessing anything above mapping while having owner permissions.
smchronos Wrote:I must say that this is a splendid engine. I would give it top marks in quality application software if my character wasn't disconnected when accessing anything above mapping while having owner permissions.

I've added a troubleshooting section to the engines forum, I hope this sorts out the problem.
If your still having trouble after reading that, please PM me on the forums or post again here. Smile

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