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zlib for vista

i ve been using vista lately and everything worked fine so far, but today i implented the zlib tutorial for the pics and stuff, so the problem is that i cant register the DLL in vista, does anyone know where i can get the same dll but for vista?

I always heared zlib wasnt any good to use..
1) Turn UAC off. Reboot.
2) Register file.


Or you can send a shortcut to the desktop for regsvr32.exe then just drag the file onto the shortcut.
Yeah, its only for very big files.
Verrigan Wrote:Back on topic.. You do not regsvr32 (or 64, or any other regsvr) zlib.dll, because it is not a ActiveX object. You just declare the functions (Compress/Uncompress) like you would any other API functions.

I was just telling him how to register files under Vista. I know you don't register it. ^_^

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