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Right Click Register Files
This doesn't work that easily with Vista but I did manage to find a workaround using the registry. For whatever reason Microsoft removed the GUI for editing file types this way. Boo! You can use this method with XP as well I would assume but I haven't tested it.

This is a registry edit, I have tested this code and it does work but backup your registry before continuing just in case something goes wrong.

Open Notepad and enter the following.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Register With Windows"

@="regsvr32.exe \\\"%1\\\""

Click Save As.. and save it as "ocxreg.reg". Close Notepad and then double click your newly created registry file, the data will be entered into the registry and you should now see it when you right click on your ocx files. Alternatively you can do this with dlls as well the same way but with this instead.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Register With Windows"

@="regsvr32.exe \\\"%1\\\""

That will not work if you have UAC enabled though.

Horray I did something usefull!


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