18-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Well, this isn't really an official topic yet, seeing as I haven't gotten anything past the account system done for this. Neanderthal Source is basically going to be a single player RPG engine, which of course will be open source. As I said, I have nothing but the account system working, so it's not too interesting, however I was hoping maybe someone could look over the code and post suggestions on where I could improve. Also, yes I know I took a lot of code from MS4, that was only to get me on my feet, I'm going to be slowly changing it until it is its own entity. Any criticism is completely welcome.
Edit: With the help of GIAKEN, I've completely reworked Neanderthal to work off of a class modual, and have made a Character slot system. Check out the new source. I'm almost ready to start working with the DX8 (Which I intend to use for it).
Edit: With the help of GIAKEN, I've completely reworked Neanderthal to work off of a class modual, and have made a Character slot system. Check out the new source. I'm almost ready to start working with the DX8 (Which I intend to use for it).