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Getting MS to work on Vista
I got MS based games running on it. Yay.

To get the dx7vb.dll file to register, do this:

Quote:Alright, I found out the main problem here. Its the security of vista. Thats whats causes "The module 'Dx7vb.dll' was loaded but the call to the DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005."

To turn it off all you have to do is "Start" "Control Panel" "User Accounts" "Turn user account control on or off" After that, download and register the .ddl files.

You will have to restart the computer, but it works.


[Image: vistassqr2.jpg]

If you need help with this, let me know.
Yeah, I know. I can't seem to figure out how to make them smaller either.

Maybe this thread should be stickied somewhere? Think it would be helpful that way. Maybe in the Knowledge Base or something?
I posted a tutorial on this already Tongue. And for your icon problem,
>>Right click your desktop
>>Window Color and Appearance
>>Under the Item: Drop Down Menu select 'Icon'
>>Change the size there. 16 is the lowest.

Also, (I am not sure if it is different when the UAC is off, haven't tested) but if you need to register a DLL Vista denies you from doing so with the old way in XP. All you need to do though is copy the regsvr32.exe to your desktop, right click it, compatibility tab, run as administrator. Then you can just drag your DLLs to that regsvr32.exe and it will register them properly.
With UAC off, you can register the correct way. =P

Thanks for telling me how to change the icon size. Big help.
Okay, so, I understand about registering the DLL files, but I don't have the DLLs.

Also, how do you register them in the first place?
Sorry for being suck a noob, but I just got Vista about a month ago.

Google the DLL and you will get it. You can drag the dll onto the file regsvr32.exe in C:/Windows/System32 or you can do it though the run box, but I forget how to do it there. Just google it.
Thanks, I hope this works on my machine.


So it worked then?
What happened? Tongue
Yeah, really, what happened? This worked perfectly for me. Do you have administrator access on Vista? If not, this won't work then.
I have admin, but when I tried to run the client, it threw me an error about the dd = whatever.
Oh, that might be a coding error on your part. I tried this method with a vanilla mirage and with Shade Wood.

Have you changed any of your modDirectX stuff?
No, but I really don't need it to work on Vista, seeing s i have a comp that has Xp on it. Thats where I work on MS.
More and more people are upgrading to Vista. You WILL have players who use Vista if you ever release your game. MS is the sole reason I upgraded. I wanted to be able to offer Vista support for Shade Wood.

Just because you have another PC with XP on it, doesn't mean the majority of your players will. If you understand what I'm saying.

@Vegeta, I know you posted a guide for this. That's how I got VB6 to install. But your guide did not cover getting MS based products to work on Vista. Which is why I posted this guide. ^_^
-is happy that MR:FR works on vista-

Of course, all I run is Vista. On both my computers. And I've had MR running on both computers. ^_^

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