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Chat box not showing any text.
My chat box is jsut blank, pure black, and I'm not sure why.

I was doing things server side mostly, then a few client changes, and suddenly is expoded. It's odd becasue I didn't change anything in the social packets, or anything to do with praphics.

when I type, it blts the text fine, then I hit enter and nothing happens. None of the event messages do either, or the welcome mesages.

I tried redoing all the txtchat related subs with their originals, jsut in case I added something and didn't notice, but still nothing.

So basically, what are the subs/functions that control displaying the text into txtchat? Or maybe I killed my packets for it somehow, I'm not sure.

Anyone ever see this happen?
What the fuck did you do to your source? o.o
I dunno!

I checked everything that I thought could maybe-hypothertically-kind of-possibly-attempt to change the chat, but everything is fine.

Everything was working fine, then I changed the following:

- Altered walking speed to adjust to player speed.
- Removed all running/shift crap since you can only walk.
- Completely redid the Level Up system.
- Minor optimization crap.

The odd thing is, at first I thought it was a social packet issue, except that I can still use /mapeditor and such and it brings up the respective menu, so I think I just killed the packet that displays text to the client.. Even chatting with the server doesn't show anything.
This same thing happened to me several years back with a blank source. Not sure what caused it, but I was still learning VB6 then and lost interest in the bug afterwards.
First step is to debug.print the contents of the text box (its a text box / rich text box, right?) to see if anything is in it. If so, check the forecolor and selcolor, or anything related to the forecolor (been a long time since I have used a textbox for much of anything). Maybe try adding a .refresh call to the textbox every frame, too, see if that does anything. No harm in trying.
I set the BG color to blue, and entered text prior to running it (Like a label)

The text stayed there, and no new text was added. So I must have molested a chat packet somewhere or something. Becasue the editor commands all work. I'm gonna go try and revert every chat related thing I can find in the server.

EDIT: I replaced both modText's with the vanilla versions, still nothing.
hmm I might have had this problem before but I'm not sure though. I don't have VB6 on my computer since I reformatted not too long ago. But anyways, when you type in something for MyText and press enter does your text still stay there?
Fixed it!

human error ftw.

I somehow managed to lose my:

' ::::::::::::::::::::
    ' :: Social packets ::
    ' ::::::::::::::::::::
    If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "saymsg") Or (LCase(Parse(0)) = "broadcastmsg") Or (LCase(Parse(0)) = "globalmsg") Or (LCase(Parse(0)) = "playermsg") Or (LCase(Parse(0)) = "mapmsg") Or (LCase(Parse(0)) = "adminmsg") Then
        Call AddText(Parse(1), Val(Parse(2)))
        Exit Sub
    End If

But I really don't remember touching it.. o.O

Sorry for wasting your time and such, thank you all though.

You slut. GTFO!

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