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Extra Shop stuff
Well I'm thinking of trying it like the one from D-bugged Konfuze. and then making it so that when you make a shop, it scans for the images, and then saves them like it does when you save a class or item.

1. Pick image for item
2. Store searches item.bmp/item.ini and finds the item
3. When you click save store, it saves as (w/enameis).sdl
itemtype=w/e the item type is

lol, simplest way I'm thinking of. Is making a new editor called dealeditor, and editing the deals through there, which would be saved in binary formatt, then the shops are still edited through /editshop(shopeditor) you pick as many out of 20 deals for a shop, which are selected through combo boxes on frmeditshop. lol, I'll be working on that for a little while though... please if someone could help me work on the visual shop system... PLEASE!!!!!!!

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