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Blitting Stuff...
Okay so I'm working on a way old source, dicking around. I made a /rest feature, where when you're resting you regen twice as much MP and HP, however you cannot move whatsoever or attack or cast spells, and you take twice the damage when you're resting. However now I need to get it to where an icon is drawn over the players character when they're resting.

I have this in the gameloop

If IsPlaying(I) Then
                    If GetPlayerMap(I) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
                        If Player(I).IsResting = True Then
                            BltRestIcon I
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

Now I just need to know what to put in

Sub BltRestIcon()
End Sub

I've looked at the other drawing and whatnot, but it seemed to different to really help me out.

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