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Optimizing Editor Loading
No, it'll only do whatever the tileset is that you stipulate.

For the other tilesets like tileset(1) or whatever, just use that variable instead of

This is the original:
DC = DD_TileSurf.GetDC
Call BitBlt(frmMirage.picBackSelect.hdc, 0, 0, DDSD_Tile.lWidth, DDSD_Tile.lHeight, DC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy)
DD_TileSurf.ReleaseDC (DC)

Your's Should Be like this (depending on how your multiple tilesets work):
DC = DD_TileSurf(0).GetDC
Call BitBlt(frmMirage.picBackSelect.hdc, 0, 0, DDSD_Tile.lWidth, DDSD_Tile.lHeight, DC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy)
DD_TileSurf(0).ReleaseDC (DC)

or whatever, if you still don't understand check your modDirectX and look at how it utilizes the multiple tiles. Then, you want to do the same kind of thing for the "switch" (like when you change to tileset 2) only instead of doing it when the editor loads, just do it when you click or change option or whatever. Make sense?

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