04-06-2009, 03:03 PM
katcode Wrote:You're all retarded. IDE is all about Taste, If you like an IDE you dont have to force it on Other people.
I used Dev-C++, Visual Studio Express and Code::Blocks and Programmer's Notepad and a bunch of others.
By my Experience Visual Studio is the Best IDE currently, and Visual C++ is the best Windows Compiler (In comparison of Features to the other compilers).
But i still stick to Code::Blocks because i like it, Thats it. I also use MinGW because i like the feel of using GCC.
This war has nothing to do with Sides.
Except Visual C++ 6.0 because even though the IDE is awesome everyone agrees it's complete shit.
So yeah, Just pick a Compiler and IDE that are Standard Compliant enough.
You're about 2 weeks too late on this. Shut up.