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DX7 and Class Demo *ver 1.4*
Here's a demonstration of some simple DirectX7 DirectDraw and using a class to do it Wink "Follow the Mouse"!

Version 1.1: Nearly completely rewritten my does nearly everything for you now.

Version 1.2: Added more options for the class so you can set how it loads surfaces and so on. I think there's more...I forget.

Version 1.3: Changed how you set the current surface used and surface RECT. Made the .Draw function only need an X and Y Smile Fixed a problem with the Display so it used the picture box you set at initialization...and added 3 more drawing so there's a box around your mouse to show off how I fixed the surfaces so they don't go out of the area. Changed a lot of the comments...this project should be like a book now Tongue

Version 1.4: Added in sound and music support! It's complete support, too. Music stopping, volume control, sound buffering (up to 50 sounds at once), and so on Big Grin Also set up all the init calling to work off each other. IE you can InitSound first, then if you want to initdrawing or music you don't need to provide a form, it will use the form from InitSound...also you don't have to init drawing or music or sound if you don't want to, you can use any of the 3 you want or you can use them all!


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