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HUGE optimization
Anybody ever notice something? Big Grin

The ground layer will draw, even if it's not set. To fix this, simply find where it's drawing:

Call DD_BltFast(MapTilePosition(X, Y).PosX, MapTilePosition(X, Y).PosY, DDS_Tile.Surface, MapTilePosition(X, Y).Ground, DDBLTFAST_WAIT)

And replace it with this:

If Map.Tile(X, Y).Ground > 0 Then
        Call DD_BltFast(MapTilePosition(X, Y).PosX, MapTilePosition(X, Y).PosY, DDS_Tile.Surface, MapTilePosition(X, Y).Ground, DDBLTFAST_WAIT)
    End If

My FPS went from 200 to nearly 500.

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