26-08-2006, 11:42 AM
Alphablending works fine if you add some options client side.
also, using it sparingly (for Inventory, maybe a little background to where you are typing) then it works wonders.
The options will be something like this:
High (full alphablending... slow(ish) on older systems)
Low (way dave said)
None (just goes back to bltFast)
This means people who can play HL2 with full setting's get some nice effects, and those people who struggle to run Runescape get some... well... they get to play the game.
also, using it sparingly (for Inventory, maybe a little background to where you are typing) then it works wonders.
The options will be something like this:
High (full alphablending... slow(ish) on older systems)
Low (way dave said)
None (just goes back to bltFast)
This means people who can play HL2 with full setting's get some nice effects, and those people who struggle to run Runescape get some... well... they get to play the game.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?