31-01-2009, 04:56 PM
Quote:History of Delara
Once known as the "Golden City".. Now flooded with Undead creatures. Delara was once to be a city flourishing with joy and happiness. Built by the great Wizard Kelhazrd for his study of human emotions.. which later turned into questions of Life and Death. Secretively he took the path into Necromancy.. The answer to what exactly happend to Delara is still unknown.. Hundreds of years later, what was once a beatiful city is now ruins of evil, lost souls and mysteries.
Patch Details
- Level Cap increased to 15.
- A new island accessible through the Ship in Lupin City.
- A totally new Dungeon
- New Spells and Items
and more..
Patch Release
Exact date is still unknown.
Maybe tonight, maybe tommorow and maybe the day after tommorow.