21-08-2006, 04:11 PM
Well, that method is for only pulling it from a url.
The one I'm working on now, you type out the news on the main server form, and then click send, and it will send, and it will send it to the client, and save it client side in a text file. When the client is ran, it will check the contents of news.txt client side, against the news server side, and if it is different, it will pull the new, news and display it. ^^
The one I'm working on now, you type out the news on the main server form, and then click send, and it will send, and it will send it to the client, and save it client side in a text file. When the client is ran, it will check the contents of news.txt client side, against the news server side, and if it is different, it will pull the new, news and display it. ^^