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Adding Transfer Details
Author: 22367rh
Difficulty: 1/5

In frmServer,
  • Add 2 Textboxes called txtBytesSent and txtBytesRecieved.
  • Add 4 New Menu Items named mnuBytes, mnuKB, mnuMB, mnuGB (with the captions set to Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes)

Find the Data_Arrival section for the game socket. Add this code just before the end:
BR.Bytes = BR.Bytes + bytesTotal
    BR.KBytes = BR.Bytes / 1024
    BR.MBytes = BR.KBytes / 1024
    BR.GBytes = BR.MBytes / 1024

Find the Send_Progress section for the game socket. Add:
BS.Bytes = BS.Bytes + bytesSent
    BS.KBytes = BS.Bytes / 1024
    BS.MBytes = BS.KBytes / 1024
    BS.GBytes = BS.MBytes / 1024
At the end of frmServer, add:
Private Sub mnuBytes_Click()
    ByteMeasure = "Bytes"
    mnuBytes.Checked = True
End Sub

Private Sub mnuGB_Click()
    ByteMeasure = "GigaBytes"
    mnuGB.Checked = True
End Sub

Private Sub mnuKB_Click()
    ByteMeasure = "KiloBytes"
    mnuKB.Checked = True
End Sub

Private Sub mnuMB_Click()
    ByteMeasure = "MegaBytes"
    mnuMB.Checked = True
End Sub
Create modBytes and add:
Public BS As BytesType
Public BR As BytesType

Public ByteMeasure As String

Public Type BytesType
    Bytes As Long
    KBytes As Long
    MBytes As Long
    GBytes As Long
End Type

Public Function DisplayBytesRecieved()
Dim frm As frmServer
    frmServer.txtBytesRecieved.Text = ""
    If ByteMeasure = "Bytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesRecieved.Text = BR.Bytes & " B"
    ElseIf ByteMeasure = "KiloBytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesRecieved.Text = BR.KBytes & " KB"
    ElseIf ByteMeasure = "MegaBytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesRecieved.Text = BR.MBytes & " MB"
    Else    'ByteMeasure = "GigaBytes"
        frmServer.txtBytesRecieved.Text = BR.GBytes & " GB"
    End If
End Function

Public Function DisplayBytesSent()
    frmServer.txtBytesSent.Text = ""
    If ByteMeasure = "Bytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesSent.Text = BS.Bytes & " B"
    ElseIf ByteMeasure = "KiloBytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesSent.Text = BS.KBytes & " KB"
    ElseIf ByteMeasure = "MegaBytes" Then
        frmServer.txtBytesSent.Text = BS.MBytes & " MB"
    Else    'ByteMeasure = "GigaBytes"
        frmServer.txtBytesSent.Text = BS.GBytes & " GB"
    End If
End Function

Sub UncheckAllMeasurements()
    frmServer.mnuBytes.Checked = False
    frmServer.mnuKB.Checked = False
    frmServer.mnuMB.Checked = False
    frmServer.mnuGB.Checked = False
End Sub
That's all!

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