27-07-2006, 10:52 PM
well it would be possible..
but it would require you adding another integer or byte to the item type..
simply saveing it as the items regular value or sell value
but inrelalife stores only take backor buy bakck what they sell
in that way you can make a shop buy the items that it sells
at half the price they pay for them but that would mean
rebuilding the entire shop system kind of
I have been working on a new shop system
but as far as a full tutorial you will have to wait a while because
I must first finish it then put it into the TPO game that is being built
then maybe I will share some of its treasures
but it would require you adding another integer or byte to the item type..
simply saveing it as the items regular value or sell value
but inrelalife stores only take backor buy bakck what they sell
in that way you can make a shop buy the items that it sells
at half the price they pay for them but that would mean
rebuilding the entire shop system kind of
I have been working on a new shop system
but as far as a full tutorial you will have to wait a while because
I must first finish it then put it into the TPO game that is being built
then maybe I will share some of its treasures