25-05-2008, 03:30 AM
Ok I hate to bring this up again(cause of old date), but I noticed that I of course still had the bug where it ALWAYS requested a new map.
Well I made these changes and it seems to work perfectly fine now.
I Changed:
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & x & MAP_EXT, True) Then
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & x & MAP_EXT, False) = True Then
I tested it and had it display every time I was on a new map or an old map; had my girlfriend make a simple change and it showed I was on a new map. While walking around on the old maps it displayed I was on an old map.
I noticed their was an optimizing tutorial and some other stuff. Do they make this any better? Cause the fix I made actually seemed to work perfectly fine all the time and I noticed that the maps were loading quicker.
Well I made these changes and it seems to work perfectly fine now.
I Changed:
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & x & MAP_EXT, True) Then
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & x & MAP_EXT, False) = True Then
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & x & MAP_EXT, False) = True Then
' Check to see if the revisions match
If GetMapRevision(x) = y Then
Call LoadMap(x)
Call SendData("needmap" & SEP_CHAR & "no" & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Either the revisions didn't match or we dont have the map, so we need it
Call SendData("needmap" & SEP_CHAR & "yes" & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Exit Sub
End If
I tested it and had it display every time I was on a new map or an old map; had my girlfriend make a simple change and it showed I was on a new map. While walking around on the old maps it displayed I was on an old map.
I noticed their was an optimizing tutorial and some other stuff. Do they make this any better? Cause the fix I made actually seemed to work perfectly fine all the time and I noticed that the maps were loading quicker.