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Mapreport Upgrade
Little old I guess... but oh well. In one of your packet's it did not have "z" as a variable. It gave me an error on the line, "z = val(parse(1))". Not sure if this matters, but this is how I managed to easily fix it (assuming it works). I'm using the newest version of MS out right now.

' ::::::::::::::::::
    ' :: Get Map List ::
    ' ::::::::::::::::::
    Dim z As Integer
    If LCase(Parse(0)) = "maplist" Then

         n = 2
         z = Val(Parse(1))
       For x = n To (z + 1)
           If Trim(Parse(n))  vbNullString Then
               frmMapReport.lstMaps.AddItem "Map # " & (x - 1) & ": " & Trim(Parse(n))
               frmMapReport.lstMaps.AddItem "Map # " & (x - 1) & ": Free Map"
           End If
           n = n + 2
       Next x
       Exit Sub

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