21-10-2009, 10:15 PM
Lea Wrote:NV = (MAX_MAPX + 1) * (MAX_MAPY + 1) - 1Yes my map is 15 and 11.
what are MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY?
I'd be willing to bet 11 million dollars they are 15 and 11.
which makes NV 191
Which makes UBOUND(Path) 191
using subscript start = 192 is out of range for array path which is has 191 elements.

but how to fix the bug please ?
My bug is fixed

I have lost to add :
[code] o = MapNpc(y, x).y * (MAX_MAPX + 1) + MapNpc(y, x).x
d = GetPlayerY(Target) * (MAX_MAPX + 1) + GetPlayerX(Target)
For I = 0 To NV
Marked(I) = 0
PathLine(I) = -1
Path(I) = -1
Next I
For I = 0 To NV
VY = Int(I / (MAX_MAPX + 1))
VX = I Mod (MAX_MAPX + 1)
If VX >= 0 And VX < MAX_MAPX Then Mat(I, I + 1) = 1
If VX > 0 And VX = 0 And VY < MAX_MAPY Then Mat(I, I + MAX_MAPX + 1) = 1
If VY > 0 And VY