03-08-2007, 09:27 PM
Got something you'd really like to see in the engine, or maybe you have an idea for a skill or spell type I could add.
If it sparks a little inspiration in me, I'll give it a try, lol. (Credit given, of course)
Blue indicates a feature I'm hoping to add, Green is for ideas that have been added.
Chat System - (jsventor)
Server Configuration Tool - (jsventor) - Implemented v0.3.1
Main Menu Design Tool - (Me) - Implemented v0.3.2
GUI Design Tool - (Me)
Mini Map - (Reynock)
Proficiency type Skills - (jsventor)
Slotted weapons for +ing - (Renegade)
Multiple Attributes per map tile - (jsventor)
If it sparks a little inspiration in me, I'll give it a try, lol. (Credit given, of course)
Blue indicates a feature I'm hoping to add, Green is for ideas that have been added.
Chat System - (jsventor)
Server Configuration Tool - (jsventor) - Implemented v0.3.1
Main Menu Design Tool - (Me) - Implemented v0.3.2
GUI Design Tool - (Me)
Mini Map - (Reynock)
Proficiency type Skills - (jsventor)
Slotted weapons for +ing - (Renegade)
Multiple Attributes per map tile - (jsventor)