03-08-2007, 02:47 AM
I even did this entire Tut. on a blank copy of MSE1, and after replacing all the ReadINI and WriteINI with GetVar and PutVar, it still isn't making the file, loading the value's up, or saving the vaule's of the IP/Port.
Unless this code is revelant to the The GetVar/PutVar:
OR I have to remove/replace the IP/Port Value's set in the code, something that hasn't been said yet
...something is stuffed up. :?
Unless this code is revelant to the The GetVar/PutVar:
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
OR I have to remove/replace the IP/Port Value's set in the code, something that hasn't been said yet
...something is stuffed up. :?