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Ip Config (for engines)
Perfekt Wrote:
Sonire Wrote:Bah, noob. He needs the ReadINI and WriteINI functions for this tutorial. Though using getVar and PutVar is easier, since it is already in the server.

Dude, I know. But getvar and putvar are easier to use for several reasons.

You add the subs, and I think 2 lines declaring the file used for them.


It's just ip = getvar(app.path & "/filename.ini", "HEADER", "Data")


IP = GetVar(App.Path & "/settings.ini", "IPCONFIG", "IP")

I tried that. The error went away, but it still isn't working. As I said before, its still just using the value's set in the code itself. Its also not even writing the value's into the config.ini. Its not even loading the value's into the form, set in the .ini file itself!

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