16-09-2009, 08:18 PM
Quote:This is a pre-patch to the new level 30 Content Patch which has been under development.. but isint fully done yet. The reason why im doing this is because im removing alot of the items which were added while i was in Croatia.. Which i found totally unballanced.. But unfortunately the damage is allready done and most of you allready have gotten most of these items. I'd remove the spells that were added too (especially since half of them are missing ranks) but that'd lead to some problems >_>.. So im waiting untill Dugor finnishes up the new Spell Editor, then ill do a full spell wipe. Yes, a spell wipe.. you'll all have to rank up all your spells again.. Unless we remove the SP system, which im not really fond of doing, and i bet alot of people agree.. But that might be the smartest thing to do without screwing up your accounts.
As you see im not removing any of the Parasitic Equipment, since alot of people use those.. and they're after all pretty well done. Allthrough i reballanced some of them.
What this patch also featuers is a total remake of the Alchemy materials needed for making Potions. Along with some new interesting recipes. No longer will you have to be confused on where you're suppose to find the materials.. it actually makes sense now. Its alot more simple, and easier to understand.. and every recipe doesnt use a random mixture of weird items like mixed feathers.. >_>
Equipment Getting removed.
Quote:Fire Cap - LVL18Items getting Removed.
Titanium Ring - LVL22
Bone Cuirass - LVL22
Bone Robe - LVL22
Forest Helm - LVL22
Bone Main - LVL22
Acient Shield - LVL20
The Protector - LVL22
Striker - LVL5
White Staff - LVL3
Adept's Wand - LVL5
Earth Wand - LVL10
Staff of Light - LVL8
Shadowblade - LVl5
Shadowring - LVL5
Ashcloak - LVL5
Magehat - LVL22
Crusader - LVL22
Firesword - LVL18
Fireband - LVL18
Holy Staff - LVL25 (Replaced with Token)
Magic Gauntlet - LVL20
Quote:Lava Stone
Small Alchemist Stone
Prismatic Fragment
Kelhazrd Eye
Along with this goes some Rare Spawns, and some other stuff.. there is really pretty much that is lost. But along with that comes a future for new stuff. There are some new random drops dropped in Everfall Forest. And from now on i will probably be working from the Live Server (as i used to do before..).. Well i think i will atleast. I might also do some event later today or tommorow which will lead to a free warp to the new exiting area/dungeon/town.
Note that there will be no Engine updates in this patch, i asked Grim to fix the alchemy system for this patch, but Dugor is currently the one working on the source.. and having Grim going fixing stuff means he'd have to do that all over again in Dugors source. And Dugors changing the code alot ive heard, means that'd be stupid Delay Code wise.. So we'll just have to wait..
Download Link
http://www.orpgcreation.com/forums/view ... f=12&t=212