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RTE 429
First and foremost forgive me for this really stupid question...

Okay, I have no problems with Windows Vista, but that's my office computer, yes I have an office lol, nah j/k its my parents computer, which I'm not allowed on, unless I sneak on, or beg to get on lol. So far they've been lenient on it, but I would like to work on my game more, but no matter what I do when I launch Mirage, I get this error, it has something to do with me connecting to the internet obviously, I keep thinking its my loopback address or something, I'm not sure.

To be less vague, this is exactly what gets highlighted...

frmMirage.Socket.RemoteHost = GAME_IP

Though when I check the logs this is what the error is... so I'm like huh?

Line 997: Cannot load control txtChat; license not found.

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