20-04-2007, 09:10 PM
Ok heres my addon to the DLL which checks to see if file already exist and if not create it but it doesn't check idk why and it won't create if not there 
Heres my code for main menu sub load
oh and i had to create a new function to work with it..
Any idea on how to fix?

Heres my code for main menu sub load
Private Sub Form_Load()
If SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\dx7vb.dll") And SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\msstdfmt.dll") And SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.ocx") And SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\MSWINSCK.ocx") And SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\richtx32.ocx") And SystemFileExist("Windows\System32\TABCTL3N.ocx") Then
Call MsgBox("Game loaded successfull!")
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\dx7vb.dll"
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\msstdfmt.dll"
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\MSCOMCTL.ocx"
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\MSWINSCK.ocx"
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\richtx32.ocx"
DLL_Register App.Path & "\Extras\register-files\TABCTL3N.ocx"
Call MsgBox("The registery files have registered successfull!")
End If
End Sub
oh and i had to create a new function to work with it..
Function SystemFileExist(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
If Dir("C:" & "\" & FileName) = "" Then
SystemFileExist = False
SystemFileExist = True
End If
End Function
Any idea on how to fix?