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Development Log
Please post new topics for the ideas. Good ideas thought Tongue
IOCP definitely isn't pointless. I think we should do a sox - iocp combo like dave and I suggested
Dave Wrote:I am unfamiliar with Grim's base. Could you describe it or link me to it please?
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:i have IOCP and byte array in my MSE2, im just not sure if it works lol.
Optimizing it should be the primary concern, but adding to the core of it isnt bad as well. I dont mean features that some would want and others not but the source as is has a lot of flaws with how games are. Like the NPCs need a lot of work. Maybe adding so they can talk and all cause pretty much all games have that. Also maybe adding status affects or buffs. What games do you know without those as well. Thats not making it so people can not customize and do stuff on their own just adding to the core of stuff that should be there. Maybe spell animations as well but that might not be watned by some for some reason.

Anyways in short... add optimizations and things any mmorpg has... such as npc speech, arrows, buffs, improved npc AI, status effects, private messaging.... to name a few. I think those are in about every mmorpg but not MS.
IOCP will destroy compatability.
We talked about having a method either using one dll that checked the OS and used either SOX or IOCP, or an ADT with all the basic functions, one class extending it to implement SOX, and one to implement IOCP. Switching would simply mean changing one line.
Misunderstood Wrote:We talked about having a method either using one dll that checked the OS and used either SOX or IOCP, or an ADT with all the basic functions, one class extending it to implement SOX, and one to implement IOCP. Switching would simply mean changing one line.

I actually like the sound of that... it would add an air of proffesionalism around the engine.

"Mirage source! With adabtable real-time OS checks to ensure perfect running of your game!"
Misunderstood Wrote:We talked about having a method either using one dll that checked the OS and used either SOX or IOCP, or an ADT with all the basic functions, one class extending it to implement SOX, and one to implement IOCP. Switching would simply mean changing one line.
So, we have a lot of ideas to implement into MSE2. So maybe we should use Verrigans version of MS as the MSE2 base. Cause I think it only had the byte arrays server side, correct?
The JetByte dll, or Verrs modified version?
Verr's modified version increases the size the packets can be(Before the mapeditor packets had some problems)
Thats a big list, were I can find a few uneccessary things. It seems like a good start. Just need to remove the fmod and such. Who owns Valkoria?
Might be good, and these features aren't really big so I guess we could have them in. But these arent really needed.
002. ADDED: Server Side Who's Online Listview.
003. ADDED: Server Side Kick/Disconnect/Ban.
004. ADDED: Server States.
There is no point in removing them...
Yeah Tongue Of course they are good features. But we shouldn't be adding more features. Since those things can easily be done by the programmer. But small good things are fine I guess.
It's hard to give feedback on a feature list. You actually need to dig in it a little before you can say anything. Tongue
Dave Wrote:Oh I thought they were definantly needed. Why have hte limitation that you need to log in to see who's online, or kick someone misbehaving?

Hosting server on someone else' pc.
Do you try to connect from your computer to the real IP? If so, you need to open the port.
Okay.. The port is the only thing I can think of that can cause that problem.. Can you send another packet with it? or is it just the login thingy?
That is pretty odd, but I can't believe its that hard to fix if you just spend the time going through it all.

I had similar problems, when I first installed IOCP. But it all worked out correctly.
What about using SOX? instead of IOCP... I hear that can use up to windows 98 onwards though I am unsure of how many it can support.
TheRealDamien Wrote:What about using SOX? instead of IOCP... I hear that can use up to windows 98 onwards though I am unsure of how many it can support.

*looks at the past few pages*
Possibly update 3.0.7 as well. Professional games out there use sql databases.
one Wrote:
halla Wrote:Possibly update 3.0.7 as well. Professional games out there use sql databases.
a mysql tutorial for MSE would be even better Big Grin

you would have to change a lot to do that
I never checked out version 3.0.7, guess its time for it.
Well if you dont know mysql well you can use my guide to get you started.

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