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1. Restored Forum Backup
The forum has suffered something bad and unfixable so had to revert back to a previous update, only the latest posts are gone and the history on the board remains.

Signatures, posting, topics etc all works now.
I love that most of the boards have the last post from about 2013 :lol:
Yeah, Im not very good at remembering to make backups Tongue And this old forum has a tendency to keep crashing every year or so xD But I will try to make sure more backups are made ^^ Especially now since Ive began working on Mirage again:
Are there problems with login? I keep getting logged out.

Cool to see all of the old posts! Pretty cringe worthy on my part, but I do remember having a lot of fun learning about programming and stuff!

(Also, are we allowed onto the Discord?)
It's the same for everybody, the forum does not remember logins, so you always have to relogin back. Have not looked for a solution to this but maybe I should.

The discord should be up and running, does it not allow you to login?
Clicking "remember me" seems to have worked. No problems with login now.

I've tried discord a couple of times, accepted the invite, I'll be able to send a message, but next time I load up the app, the server is no longer available and I have to reclick the link.

Wasn't sure if it was technical difficulties somewhere, or y'all just really didn't want me, lol.
I added a new URL now:

Maybe the old one was a temporary invite. Please let me know if you still have the same issue.
Looks like that did it! Woohoo.

I have such strong feelings of nostalgia with this place... Also makes me feel a bit old. Wink
Hehe, same here. I never thought I would work in VB6 ever again. But I started again with my game, I thought why not when I still think its fun and it works on all windows versions. Smile
I hadn't messed with it any more, I'd just assumed that it wouldn't work. Have you had any issues getting it to run, either the IDE or the produced programs?
Nope no issues, Microsoft did good with the compatability. I just installed vb6 on my win10 computer and started working Smile I also installed it on my server computer win7 and it worked as well.
Well, now this is very tempting, for old times sake...
Do it Smile Would love to have someone to post with here and share work Smile
Oh no, I think I just threw away my hard copy of VB6 when I moved a year ago. O.o I'll have to look when I get home today.
I have you covered on that Smile

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