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Hello I would like to know if there is any support for this
when running the Server i get a few errors

Run Time Error '429'
ActiveX Component can't create Object
Class Modules
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Server = JBSOCKETSERVERLib.CreateSocketServer(GAME_PORT, GAME_IP)
Set Sockets = New colSockets
End Sub

The Run Time Error
The Error
What Gets Highlighted

This is all from just running the Server
You will have to register a file called ComSocketServer.dll.
thank you it worked now

Last visited: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:56 pm
DFA Wrote:who?

Thanks for the catch Anthony, as Perfekt kindly pointed out, I haven't been about for a while.
RL is a bit hectic right now and I have to concentrate on making a living, lol.
You never know though, winter time puts pay to alot of outdoor work, so maybe I will get back into my coding soon.

Just out of interest, the source code download page has recieved 225 hits this year to date, with 11 in the last month alone. Hope these are actual downloads and not spoof visits by bots and such, I dunno.

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