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3.0.7 help
Ok, i got the database working but when I go to make an character, when I click create, it gives my server an error and highlights

If .FKey = 0 Then
.FKey = RS!FKey
End If

Whats wrong?
What error number do you get, and what does it say?
Ok, everything works fine. I log into my account, click create new character, enter a character name and choose my class, then when I click on create it gives me:

Compile Error:

Invalid or unqualified reference

And it highlights the .FKey in the If .FKey = 0 Then

Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Byte, ByVal CharNum As Long)
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim I As Long

        RS.Open "SELECT * FROM characters;", Conn_Client, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

        RS!Account = Player(Index).FKey
        RS!Name = Trim$(Name)
        RS!Sex = Sex
        RS!Class = ClassNum
        RS!Sprite = Class(ClassNum).Sprite
        RS!Level = 1
        RS!str = Class(ClassNum).str
        RS!DEF = Class(ClassNum).DEF
        RS!SPEED = Class(ClassNum).SPEED
        RS!MAGI = Class(ClassNum).MAGI
        RS!Map = 1
        RS!X = 1
        RS!Y = 1
        RS!HP = 10
        RS!MP = 10
        RS!SP = 10
    If .FKey = 0 Then
        .FKey = RS!FKey
    End If

    Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
If .FKey = 0 Then
.FKey = RS!FKey
End If
If Player(Index).FKey = 0 Then
Player(Index).FKey = RS!FKey
End If
Hmm. I really don't understand much of the SQL related stuff in VB, but it looks like it should be in some sort of With
Dragoons Master Wrote:Replace:
If .FKey = 0 Then
.FKey = RS!FKey
End If
If Player(Index).FKey = 0 Then
Player(Index).FKey = RS!FKey
End If

I did do that and it totally froze up my server..
Well, it fixed your error, but now you have a new one. Before you click on create account, go to the server and stop it then press F8, and then click on create account. You'll see that the server is running line by line, so you can press F8 a few times and make sure where the bug is, I mean the line...
Ok I would try this, but now it keeps saying "Access Denied" when I click on create char
You need to be an administrator to run a server... I think that's the problem.
You realy need to xD
Btw, is this a system msg or an error or what?
Like it worked when I made a new account, its a msgbox error
There is no msg like "Access Denied" in vanila MSE... I don't know... I don't think this is a msgbox from MSE, it probably is a problem w/ your access level...
Well I dont know.. I downloaded 3.0.7 bcuz I would really love to use a database. I used that 3.0.7 installation guide which is stickied and then used his dump file which set up my database. Now, everything runs fine except creating a new character. I put in the Sub AddChar from the installation guide and it doesnt work.
Take a look at MySql user information, now that you said this, I think it is your MySql user that does not have the permissions to create a new record. Take a look at that!
Quote:I recommened using my sql dump. This will give you 5 maps, 5 shops, 5 items, 5 npcs, and 5 spells. Set your MAX_ variables to equal these (both client and server) and test out your 3.0.7 server.
Did you sett all MAX_ to 5?
Sorry, this is the sub that should've been posted (my bad) with my guide:
Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Byte, ByVal CharNum As Long)
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
        RS.Open "SELECT * FROM characters;", Conn_Client, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

        RS!Account = Player(Index).FKey
        RS!Name = Trim(Name)
        RS!Sex = Sex
        RS!Class = ClassNum
        RS!Sprite = Class(ClassNum).Sprite
        RS!Level = 1
        RS!str = Class(ClassNum).str
        RS!DEF = Class(ClassNum).DEF
        RS!SPEED = Class(ClassNum).SPEED
        RS!MAGI = Class(ClassNum).MAGI
        RS!Map = 1
        RS!X = 1
        RS!Y = 1
        RS!HP = 10
        RS!MP = 10
        RS!SP = 10
    If Player(Index).Char(CharNum).FKey = 0 Then
        Player(Index).Char(CharNum).FKey = RS!FKey
    End If

    Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
Give that a try.
If that still doesn't work, you can just use my download link: MS 3.0.7 which has all of the fixes/changes mentioned in my guide implemented.

William Wrote:
Quote:I recommened using my sql dump. This will give you 5 maps, 5 shops, 5 items, 5 npcs, and 5 spells. Set your MAX_ variables to equal these (both client and server) and test out your 3.0.7 server.
Did you sett all MAX_ to 5?
=P If he didn't change the MAX values, the server wouldn't start at all.
Ok cruzn, thx. I downloaded that one from your link and well, I set up the db and it worked. But now when I click on create character, it says connected and all that but the server totally freezes..
Beres Wrote:Ok cruzn, thx. I downloaded that one from your link and well, I set up the db and it worked. But now when I click on create character, it says connected and all that but the server totally freezes..

I have the same problem, can I help me please ?

(thanks you in advance)

I actually got this working now.. What I did was just download the old 3.0.7, and did the installation guide.. EXCEPT, I didnt put in the AddChar sub. I left it as it was and well it connects and everything runs fine.

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