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Item Equip Requirements Fix ( * 2 Bug)
This is a very simple bug fix that I noticed while I was working on my repair system. Basically, what it does is, let's say you don't have enough strength to use an item, it tels you you need double the actual requirements. Let's say you need 30 strength to use a weapon, it tells you that you need 60!

Now this is a very simple bug! In your packet "useitem" on the server side, look for :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your defense is to low to wear this armor!  Required DEF (" & n * 2 & ")", BrightRed)

And change that to :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your defense is to low to wear this armor!  Required DEF (" & n & ")", BrightRed)

And then, look for :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your strength is to low to hold this weapon!  Required STR (" & n * 2 & ")", BrightRed)

And change that to :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your strength is to low to hold this weapon!  Required STR (" & n & ")", BrightRed)

And then, look for :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your speed coordination is to low to wear this helmet!  Required SPEED (" & n * 2 & ")", BrightRed)

And change it to :

Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your speed coordination is to low to wear this helmet!  Required SPEED (" & n  & ")", BrightRed)

There you go, all fixed for a silly bug Smile
Weird, how could I not have noticed this one. Well done.

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