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Extra Layers
Tutorial Originally Posted By: Shadow

Warning: If you use this tutorial, you will have to delete all your maps!

Ok, now open the client project (Mirage.vbp)

Open the Module called 'modTypes' and search for

Type TileRec
    Ground As Integer
    Mask As Integer
    Anim As Integer
    Fringe As Integer
    Type As Byte
    Data1 As Integer
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
End Type

Replace with

Type TileRec
    Ground As Integer
    Mask As Integer
    Anim As Integer
    Mask2 As Integer
    M2Anim As Integer
    Fringe As Integer
    FAnim As Integer
    Fringe2 As Integer
    F2Anim As Integer
    Type As Byte
    Data1 As Integer
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
End Type

Now search for (still in modTypes)

Sub ClearMap()

In that sub Replace

For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              Map.Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Type = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data1 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data2 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data3 = 0
        Next x
    Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              Map.Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Mask2 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).M2Anim = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).FAnim = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe2 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).F2Anim = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Type = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data1 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data2 = 0
              Map.Tile(x, y).Data3 = 0
        Next x
    Next y

Search for

Sub BltTile(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

in that sub Replace

Dim Ground As Long
Dim Anim1 As Long
Dim Anim2 As Long


Dim Ground As Long
Dim Anim1 As Long
Dim Anim2 As Long
Dim Mask2 As Long
Dim M2Anim As Long


Ground = Map.Tile(x, y).Ground
    Anim1 = Map.Tile(x, y).Mask
    Anim2 = Map.Tile(x, y).Anim


Ground = Map.Tile(x, y).Ground
    Anim1 = Map.Tile(x, y).Mask
    Anim2 = Map.Tile(x, y).Anim
    Mask2 = Map.Tile(x, y).Mask2
    M2Anim = Map.Tile(x, y).M2Anim


'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT)
    Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT)
    If (MapAnim = 0) Or (Anim2  0 And TempTile(x, y).DoorOpen = NO Then
     = Int(Anim1 / 7) * PIC_Y
              rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
              rec.Left = (Anim1 - Int(Anim1 / 7) * 7) * PIC_X
              rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
              'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_KEYSRC)
              Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
        End If
        ' Is there a second animation tile to plot?
        If Anim2 > 0 Then
     = Int(Anim2 / 7) * PIC_Y
              rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
              rec.Left = (Anim2 - Int(Anim2 / 7) * 7) * PIC_X
              rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
              'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_KEYSRC)
              Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
        End If
    End If
    If (MapAnim = 0) Or (M2Anim  0 Then = Int(Fringe / 7) * PIC_Y
        rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
        rec.Left = (Fringe - Int(Fringe / 7) * 7) * PIC_X
        rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
        'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_KEYSRC)
        Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
        End If


If (MapAnim = 0) Or (FAnim  0 Then = Int(FAnim / 7) * PIC_Y
        rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
        rec.Left = (FAnim - Int(FAnim / 7) * 7) * PIC_X
        rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
        'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_KEYSRC)
        Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
        End If
    End If

    If (MapAnim = 0) Or (F2Anim  0 Then = Int(F2Anim / 7) * PIC_Y
        rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
        rec.Left = (F2Anim - Int(F2Anim / 7) * 7) * PIC_X
        rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
        'Call DD_BackBuffer.Blt(rec_pos, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_KEYSRC)
        Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(x * PIC_X, y * PIC_Y, DD_TileSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
        End If
    End If

Now Search for

Public Sub EditorMouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)


If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then .Ground = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then .Mask = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then .Anim = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then .Fringe = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX


If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then .Ground = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then .Mask = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then .Anim = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optMask2.Value = True Then .Mask2 = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optM2Anim.Value = True Then .M2Anim = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then .Fringe = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optFAnim.Value = True Then .FAnim = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optFringe2.Value = True Then .Fringe2 = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX
                      If frmMirage.optF2Anim.Value = True Then .F2Anim = EditorTileY * 7 + EditorTileX


If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then .Ground = 0
                      If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then .Mask = 0
                      If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then .Anim = 0
                      If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then .Fringe = 0


If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then .Ground = 0
                      If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then .Mask = 0
                      If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then .Anim = 0
                      If frmMirage.optMask2.Value = True Then .Mask2 = 0
                      If frmMirage.optM2Anim.Value = True Then .M2Anim = 0
                      If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then .Fringe = 0
                      If frmMirage.optFAnim.Value = True Then .FAnim = 0
                      If frmMirage.optFringe2.Value = True Then .Fringe2 = 0
                      If frmMirage.optF2Anim.Value = True Then .F2Anim = 0

Now Search for:

Public Sub EditorClearLayer()


' Ground layer
    If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the ground layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask layer
    If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the mask layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask Animation layer
    If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the animation layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Fringe layer
    If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the fringe layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If


' Ground layer
    If frmMirage.optGround.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the ground layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask layer
    If frmMirage.optMask.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the mask layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask Animation layer
    If frmMirage.optAnim.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the animation layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask 2 layer
    If frmMirage.optMask2.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the mask 2 layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Mask2 = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Mask 2 Animation layer
    If frmMirage.optM2Anim.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the mask 2 animation layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).M2Anim = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Fringe layer
    If frmMirage.optFringe.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the fringe layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Fringe Animation layer
    If frmMirage.optFAnim.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the fringe animation layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).FAnim = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Fringe 2 layer
    If frmMirage.optFringe2.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the fringe 2 layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).Fringe2 = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

    ' Fringe 2 Animation layer
    If frmMirage.optF2Anim.Value = True Then
        YesNo = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to clear the fringe 2 animation layer?", vbYesNo, GAME_NAME)
        If YesNo = vbYes Then
              For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                  For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                      Map.Tile(x, y).F2Anim = 0
                  Next x
              Next y
        End If
    End If

Search for

If LCase(Parse(0)) = "mapdata" Then


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
              For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Ground = Val(Parse(n))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Mask = Val(Parse(n + 1))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Anim = Val(Parse(n + 2))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Fringe = Val(Parse(n + 3))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Type = Val(Parse(n + 4))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data1 = Val(Parse(n + 5))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data2 = Val(Parse(n + 6))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data3 = Val(Parse(n + 7))

                  n = n + 8
              Next x
        Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
              For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Ground = Val(Parse(n))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Mask = Val(Parse(n + 1))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Anim = Val(Parse(n + 2))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Mask2 = Val(Parse(n + 3))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).M2Anim = Val(Parse(n + 4))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Fringe = Val(Parse(n + 5))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).FAnim = Val(Parse(n + 6))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Fringe2 = Val(Parse(n + 7))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).F2Anim = Val(Parse(n + 8))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Type = Val(Parse(n + 9))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data1 = Val(Parse(n + 10))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data2 = Val(Parse(n + 11))
                  SaveMap.Tile(x, y).Data3 = Val(Parse(n + 12))
                  n = n + 13
              Next x
        Next y

Now Search for

Sub SendMap()


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              With Map.Tile(x, y)
                  Packet = Packet & .Ground & SEP_CHAR & .Mask & SEP_CHAR & .Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe & SEP_CHAR & .Type  & SEP_CHAR & .Data1 & SEP_CHAR & .Data2 & SEP_CHAR & .Data3 & SEP_CHAR
              End With
        Next x
    Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              With Map.Tile(x, y)
                  Packet = Packet & .Ground & SEP_CHAR & .Mask & SEP_CHAR & .Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Mask2 & SEP_CHAR & .M2Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe & SEP_CHAR & .FAnim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe2 & SEP_CHAR & .F2Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Type & SEP_CHAR & .Data1 & SEP_CHAR & .Data2 & SEP_CHAR & .Data3 & SEP_CHAR
              End With
        Next x
    Next y

thats all the Code for in the Client, Now for the hard part, Adding 'Option Buttons' to the Map Editor

Ok, Open the form called 'frmMirage'

Click on the Layers Frame, Make it Longer, so it looks something like this:

Drag the 'Clear Button' down to the bottom

click the OptionButton

Add a Few OptionButtons so it looks something like this:

Now to name them all, alright, they go like this:

Ground's name is 'optGround' (Should already be done)
Mask's name is 'optMask' (Should already be done)
Animation's (first one, Animates Mask1) name is 'optAnim' (Should already be done)
Mask2's name is 'optMask2'
Animation's name is 'optM2Anim'
Fringe's name is 'optFringe' (Should already be done)
Animation's name is 'optFAnim'
Fringe2's name is 'optFringe2'
Animation's name is 'optF2Anim'

Thats all in the Client to do!
Congratulations for getting this far, now onto the Server!


open the Server project (Server.vbp)

Open the Module called 'modTypes' and search for

Type TileRec
    Ground As Integer
    Mask As Integer
    Anim As Integer
    Fringe As Integer
    Type As Byte
    Data1 As Integer
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
End Type

Replace with

Type TileRec
    Ground As Integer
    Mask As Integer
    Anim As Integer
    Mask2 As Integer
    M2Anim As Integer
    Fringe As Integer
    FAnim As Integer
    Fringe2 As Integer
    F2Anim As Integer
    Type As Byte
    Data1 As Integer
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
End Type

Now search for

Sub ClearMap()

In that sub Replace

For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Type = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data1 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data2 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data3 = 0
        Next x
    Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Ground = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Anim = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask2 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).M2Anim = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).FAnim = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe2 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).F2Anim = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Type = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data1 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data2 = 0
              Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data3 = 0
        Next x
    Next y

Done with modTypes, now onto 'modServerTCP'

Seach for

If LCase(Parse(0)) = "mapdata" Then


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
              For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Ground = Val(Parse(n))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask = Val(Parse(n + 1))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Anim = Val(Parse(n + 2))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe = Val(Parse(n + 3))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Type = Val(Parse(n + 4))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data1 = Val(Parse(n + 5))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data2 = Val(Parse(n + 6))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data3 = Val(Parse(n + 7))
                  n = n + 8
              Next x
        Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
              For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Ground = Val(Parse(n))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask = Val(Parse(n + 1))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Anim = Val(Parse(n + 2))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Mask2 = Val(Parse(n + 3))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).M2Anim = Val(Parse(n + 4))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe = Val(Parse(n + 5))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).FAnim = Val(Parse(n + 6))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Fringe2 = Val(Parse(n + 7))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).F2Anim = Val(Parse(n + 8))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Type = Val(Parse(n + 9))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data1 = Val(Parse(n + 10))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data2 = Val(Parse(n + 11))
                  Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y).Data3 = Val(Parse(n + 12))
                  n = n + 13
              Next x
        Next y

Search for

Sub SendMap(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long)


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              With Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y)
                  Packet = Packet & .Ground & SEP_CHAR & .Mask & SEP_CHAR & .Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe & SEP_CHAR & .Type  & SEP_CHAR & .Data1 & SEP_CHAR & .Data2 & SEP_CHAR & .Data3 & SEP_CHAR
              End With
        Next x
    Next y


For y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
        For x = 0 To MAX_MAPX
              With Map(MapNum).Tile(x, y)
                  Packet = Packet & .Ground & SEP_CHAR & .Mask & SEP_CHAR & .Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Mask2 & SEP_CHAR & .M2Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe & SEP_CHAR & .FAnim & SEP_CHAR & .Fringe2 & SEP_CHAR & .F2Anim & SEP_CHAR & .Type & SEP_CHAR & .Data1 & SEP_CHAR & .Data2 & SEP_CHAR & .Data3 & SEP_CHAR
              End With
        Next x
    Next y
Right now, you have an "attribute" that is saved as Type (a byte), check your "Type TileRec", you'll see... Type as Byte. If you want multiple attributes, my suggestion would be to make a Type2 as Byte, or Even Type2 and 3 depending on how many you want to do. Then, just set the editor up, so it can check for multiple "Types", ratehr than just one. It's quite simple actually.
Tile and type number algorism's ftw.
I dont remember it being so long Tongue
Code tags also ftw >.>
He just pulled it from a text file, slapped in up, and posted it. Lol.

At least it's up now.
Now to wait for the Out Of Memory and Too Many Static Variables RTE to fill the bug section!

Lol, I added this tut in last night for someone, and I had no issue with it.
Just wait till people decide to make their maps 50x50, add more Data thingies and load 15 graphics files at the same time!
Haha, yeah.

Far as I know, you can't go higher than 30x30 with MS. Not that you would need to, 25x18 fits to 800x600. Lol.
Scrolling maps ftw
Yeah, I'm sure you could. But I was just saying, default you can't go over 30x30, or is it 32x32? I'm not sure.
God knows =\

But the default mirage way is great when displaying the whole map at once, although saving it all as longs and integers could be improved.
Anyone know if in the near future there will be extra animation layers?

More like:

Mask 1
Animation 1
Animation 2
Mask 2
Animation 1
Animation 2


*So totally against scrolling maps* XD.
You could easily add it in. Just follow the tut and add the extra stuff in.

Or did you mean something else?
Nope, that's what I meant.
add a third part to the animation subs.
So instead of the masks going 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2.
It goes 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
or 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2

Either way, add a third tile layer and third anim-process?

Essentially you do jsut follow the tut and add extra stuff in

The tutorial is older than me. Don't expect anything Tongue Ever.

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