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I don't mind buying us a domain or two( and .org are taken, .com was sharked by the way) if anyone wants us to have one.
Well it's up to you. I will not be advertising mirage source other than through MSN and such.
I tried to nab in December when it was expiring, I've always wanted it Tongue. I was outbid, very heavily I might add.

But who knows, I really miss this place. Hell, I don't actually even program anymore at all. I really miss YOU guys. All of you. Lets get something going on again. Please Big Grin
Aye, I'd love to see some activity as well. I check at least every other day to see if someone has posted. Unfortunately they usually don't Sad

But bots seem to love this forum... :roll: Perhaps we can get an active mod to keep them at bay?

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