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New Rules
The following contain a list of rules that will be enforced globally across all boards. These rules may be amended at any time, and include any board-specific rules listed within the respective boards.

1. Respect Each Other
This rule may seem like a joke, and quite frankly it might be a joke only by the mere fact that some might need it stated. This community is here to foster use of the Mirage Source, programming, and game development. While the community may be close-knit, this is not a harbor for flaming, hate, bigotry, and personal attacks. As such all of these things are forbidden globally, even in off topic chat.

2. Criticize Constructively
It has become habit for people to post things such as "this sucks" or "wtf? you fail." Such comments do not offer anything to the poster of the content and serve as nothing more than a testament to the jackassery of the ones who posted them. If you are going to offer critcism, please offer advice to help, or give your valid opinion in a respectable manner. It isn't difficult, but it does require a bit more typing. In doing so, you will add more to the community and help newer members and less-experienced members better their work.

3. Stay Focused
Too often to posts go into random and far off places, deviating so far from the original topic that it becomes unrecognizable. A topic about the latest updates in Windows 7 could end up about pop-tarts. As such, it is imperative to stay on topic, and only post mildly off-topic comments when it is accompanied with actual content pertaining to the topic.

Help us build up a good content base and welcome new members by adhering to these rules. Staff and future members alike will appreciate it.
The above rules are great. Below adds to them ...

4. Sexual related content not allowed.
Such posts are no longer welcome here. This community need to be more family and "child" (16 and under) friendly. Thank you for your understanding Smile

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