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Custom Map Sizes.
Anyone have an idea on how I should go about this? All I need is a simple start and I'm sure I could get it done. Thanks.
MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY, make sure the picScreen is always evenly divisible by 32.
Rian Wrote:MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY, make sure the picScreen is always evenly divisible by 32.

Lol, No No, I ment like, the vairables saved in the Maps Data file. So any maps X and Y can be adjusted.
Take a look at Robin's Essence's source.
GIAKEN Wrote:Take a look at Robin's Essence's source.

I believe it's Direct X 8 is it not? Would it be worth looking at? I'm using 3.0.3 of Mirage.
You really should use MS4 if you're starting fresh.

And I'd look at Robin's code. It's drawn with DirectX8, but I'm sure you can get the jist of how it all works.
Matt Wrote:You really should use MS4 if you're starting fresh.

And I'd look at Robin's code. It's drawn with DirectX8, but I'm sure you can get the jist of how it all works.

I've been working on my game for about a year or two now, I'm not restarting with MS4. Oh, and I'll be sure to check out Essence.
So, everything went okay, Untill now. The maps get created, then when they load I get RTE 7 Out of Memory, The error referring to the following line of code;
ReDim Map(i).Tile(0 To Map(i).x, 0 To Map(i).y) As TileRec

Now when I hover over map(i).x and map(i).y, I see the following
map(i).x = 538976288
map(i).y = 53897628

Now in clear map, which is called in the initServer sub, map(i).x and .y each = 5.

Any Ideas?
Lea Wrote:how big is a tile (in bytes)?

what is your map x?

what is your map y?

mapx*mapy*tilesize = memsize;

memory in your computer = maxmem;

if memsize > maxmen then
call backupplan
end if

sub backupplan:
find a way to optimize your maps, load into memory only what is displayed.
end sub

"how big is a tile (in bytes)" - I find this kind of information were?

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