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RTE 429
First and foremost forgive me for this really stupid question...

Okay, I have no problems with Windows Vista, but that's my office computer, yes I have an office lol, nah j/k its my parents computer, which I'm not allowed on, unless I sneak on, or beg to get on lol. So far they've been lenient on it, but I would like to work on my game more, but no matter what I do when I launch Mirage, I get this error, it has something to do with me connecting to the internet obviously, I keep thinking its my loopback address or something, I'm not sure.

To be less vague, this is exactly what gets highlighted...

frmMirage.Socket.RemoteHost = GAME_IP

Though when I check the logs this is what the error is... so I'm like huh?

Line 997: Cannot load control txtChat; license not found.
Speaking of which, this is going to sound like a really dumb question, but is Visual Basic Portable legit, I wouldn't think so as the fact that it has the word reg something on it, but I never clicked it... so I think all I can do is compile stuff, does anyone know where I can get Visual Basic 6.0 I check at my local retail store, and they have yet to have a copy, so would I need to buy it off ebay or something? Oh and if its not a legit copy, please don't be mad, because it was the only thing that I could find that was an executable for Visual Basic 6 I found, so I thought you know why not. Oh and I did have a hunch it was not legit, so could I go to jail for using it? Oh and I can run the executables of the games just fine, I just can't seem to open the VBP
This was funny, I just started deleting everything it highlighted all it ever highlighted was stuff to do with the IP, and once it actually got on the menu lol, but that was about as far as it went. Than it stopped working completely.
Well my birthday is coming up soon, I was just going to buy a new computer... well you know that might be a better choice lol. I think I'll buy a brand new gaming computer, just like my office one, that has all the high specs like the 8500GT card, the 2 gigs of ram, the 600 watt power supply, and such, and just buy a new one same exact computer as the office one and install MS on that, and see if I get any luck, and than I'll use this book that I got from the library that actually offers the visual basic, for 25 dollars, the library actually will let you buy the cd that came with the book, if it has Visual Basic, it pays to actually read the receipt sometimes lol.

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