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Anyone know how to pull specific text from a site with the inet control?
There's also this one, I think it's more what you're looking for, but Asrrin's is cooler Big Grin

Ok. heres an example. I have this website here, and if you look there, under the "The Single sampling procedure is:" there is "Sample 200* items." Is it possible to get that number 200 and put it into a label?
Not really...

(really not sure about the Mid function from the top of my head)
Whatever = (pull information code)

For I = 1 To Len(Whatever)
If Mid(Whatever, I, 1) = "SomeCharacterYouLookingFor" Then
Whatever2 = Mid(Whatever, I, 3)
End If
Next I

Replace the SomeCharacterYouLookingFor with the first character you want to look for (example - 2). So look for 2 and then you should expect the length of how long it will be (like 200 is 3) so you make Whatever2 where that 200 would be...

I repeat: Not sure about the Mid function without VB6 up.
But I cant just search for 200. Because what I forgot to mention is, that number changes depending on the Batch Size and AQL percentages.
Well then look to see if the character IsNumeric.
Ok thx GIAKEN, I will try this out.
Ok, how would I go about doing this? I tried to use Variable = INet.OpenURL(TheSite) and im stuck there. I have no clue how to use INet. Also, what came into my head is, if you look on that site, right after that number, there is an astrick (*). Would there be any way to get the number left of the astrick?

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