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mysql errors
Every time I try to start the server after setting up the database I get an error:

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record.

I get this if I use the sql_dump in the sticky or the sql dump that comes with the source.

The line that is highlighted if I use the dump from the sticky is

.FKey = CLng(RS("FKey"))

Any insight would be appreciated.

This is how your subs need to look like:
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
        Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
        RS.Open "QUERY", Conn_Client, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ' now this are a lot of params, google them and you will know what them all do.
        Variable = RS.Fields("FKey") ' blablabla
    Set RS = Nothing
Where should that declaration be though?
Hi again. I appreciated the fast response before.

I found that I had declared RS like you did, but it fails in this block of code:

For I = 1 To MAX_MAPS
    Call SetStatus("Loading Map " & I & "/" & MAX_MAPS)
    With Map(I)
        .FKey = CLng(RS("FKey"))
        .Name = Trim(CStr(RS("Name")))
        .Revision = CLng(RS("Revision"))
        .Moral = CByte(RS("Moral"))
        .Up = CInt(RS("Up"))
        .Down = CInt(RS("Down"))
        .Left = CInt(RS("mLeft"))
        .Right = CInt(RS("mRight"))
        .Music = CByte(RS("Music"))
        .BootMap = CInt(RS("BootMap"))
        .BootX = CByte(RS("BootX"))
        .BootY = CByte(RS("BootY"))
        .Shop = CByte(RS("Shop"))
        .Indoors = CByte(RS("Indoors"))
        'Load Tiles
        Tiles = Split(Trim(CStr(RS("Tiles"))), "|")
        Q = 0
        For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX
            For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
                TileSet() = Split(Tiles(Q), "-")
                .Tile(X, Y).Ground = CInt(TileSet(0))
                .Tile(X, Y).Mask = CInt(TileSet(1))
                .Tile(X, Y).Anim = CInt(TileSet(2))
                .Tile(X, Y).Fringe = CInt(TileSet(3))
                .Tile(X, Y).Type = CInt(TileSet(4))
                .Tile(X, Y).Data1 = CInt(TileSet(5))
                .Tile(X, Y).Data2 = CInt(TileSet(6))
                .Tile(X, Y).Data3 = CInt(TileSet(7))
                Q = Q + 1
            Next Y
        Next X
        'Load NPCs
        NPCs = Split(Trim(CStr(RS.Fields("NPCS"))), "-")
        For Q = LBound(NPCs) To UBound(NPCs)
            .Npc(Q + 1) = CByte(NPCs(Q))
        Next Q
    End With
    If I  MAX_MAPS Then
    End If
Next I

On the line .FKey = CLng(RS("FKey"))

I am not sure what variable you were suggesting to set it equal to...

Any further help would be much appreciated again.

Upon more investigation, if I change
For I = 1 To MAX_MAPS
For I = 1 To 5
(because there are five maps in the database)
it doesn't crash.

I hope maybe this will shed some light as well.
You need to have the maps... I was assuming your database were full, I mean, it was full of data, but it appears to not be. Do that and it will work.
I used the SQL dump that was available... Is there an alternate sql dump that will fill the database?

Thanks again, your speedy responses are very impressive in a support forum.

I made my own xD
Work with this:
Public Function GetRecordCount(dbTable As String, Optional WH As String = "0") As Long
'Setup database stuff
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Long
Dim SQL As String
    Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
    If WH = "0" Then
        SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & dbTable & ";"
        SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & dbTable & " WHERE " & WH & ";"
    End If
    RS.Open SQL, Conn_Client, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    i = RS.RecordCount
    Set RS = Nothing
    GetRecordCount = i
End Function

Public Sub CheckItems()
'Check to see if max items is how many items there are in the database.
Dim RecCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim OffSet As Long
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset

RecCount = GetRecordCount("Items")
OffSet = MAX_ITEMS - RecCount
If OffSet = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open "SELECT * FROM Items;", Conn_Client, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If RS.EOF = True Then Exit Sub

For i = MAX_ITEMS - OffSet + 1 To MAX_ITEMS
    RS!FKey = i
    RS!Name = "   "
    RS!Descricao = "   "
    RS!Pic = 0
    RS!Type = 0
    RS!ClassReq = 0
    RS!Data1 = 0
    RS!Data2 = 0
    RS!Data3 = 0
    RS!TwoHanded = 0
    RS!GuildReq = 0
    RS!Poison_Length = 0
    RS!Poisons = False
    RS!Poison_Vital = 0
    RS!IsRangeWeapon = 0
    RS!RangeAmmo = 0
Next i
Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
And remember, run CheckItems() only once!
I spent some time on this, but I couldn't get this working. I'm still getting the exact same error during compiling.
You need to fill the data.
You can't have null on every data, just fill the data with zero or null_string/" ", something like that but make the fkey values correct.
And when you add new record, I mean, client side, using the editor, don't add a new record, just update the old one.
So to use the mysql version, you have to have an entirely full database?
Yes ^^
That's pain is the ass, but it works great.
Btw, accounts and characters don't, obviously xD
I have resolved the issue by adding the following:

Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
RS.Open "SELECT count(*) FROM shops;", Conn_Server, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

ShopCount = RS(0)


then instead of

For I = 1 To MAX_SHOPS

I used

For I = 1 To ShopCount

This way it seems to try to only load what exists already in the database. Of course I modified Shops, NPCs, Maps et cetera individually, but it is the same code with just a minor adjustment to the query.
It works also, but then, if you add item 1 and item 3, only, when you load the server it will try to load item 1 and 2 instead of item 1 and 3...

EDIT: nono, it will load item 3 into item 2, I think that's it.
This should be all right unless an item is deleted? Is that correct?
Well, in theory yes...but I really think it's better if you fill the data base...

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