01-06-2006, 09:29 PM
Author: Obsidian
Difficulty: 1/5
This is a very basic swear filter.
First, we need to setup the checks for the swears. Open modHandleData and find:In this packet, after you see:
All you have to do is add that in the same exact spot for every type of chat that you want censored. (Admin, Global, Broadcast, Emote, etc.)
Now, at the bottom of modDatabase (or wherever, I just use Database) add this function:Now, all you have to do is change the swear char (if you'd like) and then add to the swear list.
Note: The forum censors certain words, so be sure to replace whatever has been caught by the filter.
That's all!
Difficulty: 1/5
This is a very basic swear filter.
First, we need to setup the checks for the swears. Open modHandleData and find:
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "saymsg" Then
' Prevent hacking
For i = 1 To Len(Msg)
If Asc(Mid$(Msg, i, 1)) < 32 Or Asc(Mid$(Msg, i, 1)) > 126 Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Say Text Modification")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
Call CheckMessage(Index, Msg)
All you have to do is add that in the same exact spot for every type of chat that you want censored. (Admin, Global, Broadcast, Emote, etc.)
Now, at the bottom of modDatabase (or wherever, I just use Database) add this function:
Public Function CheckMessage(Index As Long, Msg As String)
Dim kArray() As String
Dim Swears As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim SwearChar As String
Swears = "ass,fuck,shit,bitch,damn,"
kArray = Split(Swears, ",")
SwearChar = "*"
' Thanks to Classified For Help with the Full Word Replacement
For i = 0 To UBound(kArray)
If InStr(LCase(Msg$), LCase(kArray(i))) Then
'Msg = Replace(Msg, kArray(i), SwearChar)
Msg$ = Replace$(LCase(Msg$), LCase(kArray(i)), LCase(String(Len(kArray(i)), SwearChar)))
End If
Next i
End Function
Note: The forum censors certain words, so be sure to replace whatever has been caught by the filter.
That's all!