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Alright, I'll be brief; just set up my server with no-ip. Previously it WOULD NOT connect, whatever I did. Now it connects, but it just sits there on 'connected, sending login information' or 'connected, sending account information'.

So my question is this; is there a specific place I should put my client and server folders on my computer?
No. They can be anywhere.

This seems to be an issue that nobody has found a fix for. It's been around for ages now. I personally, think it has something to do with a lost packet or something, but I'm no expert.

Why are you using no-ip? Are you on dial up?
Using no-ip because a friend suggested I used it, but my actual IP works fine too. I'm on a 576kbps connection from England.
Try without no-ip, and if it dont work, then theres something wrong with a packet. I had this and i just started over cuz i couldnt fix ;(
Try it with your normal IP. If you can't get it to work still, then I will take a look at it if you want.
Exactly the same happens with my own IP, no-ip and localhost AND (or whatever the address is).

I haven't edited ANYTHING in the code yet since I'm just testing what works and what doesn't at the moment.
Localhost and are the same thing.

Do you have a firewall or something like that?
Go in the source find "port" through whole project and get to the point where it has the port and the ip. Then put ur info in there and see if it works o-O.

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