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96 * 96 NPCs
Can someone please post a code for 96*96 NPCs that I can select by clicking a button(like Elysium has)
The (like elysium has) can be ripped out of elysium... It's not hard.

The 96*96 part, well, you'e on your own lol. I like my 32*32 sprites and never attempted to make them larger.
Yeah, ripping from elysium is simple.

As for using just 32x32, I can't stand it. I have to have 64 tall, 32 wide. It's annoying any other way.
the Elysium has 64*64 big NPCs doesn't it? I am looking for 96*96
I dont think anybody uses 96*96. But if youfind a tutorial for 64*64.i can make it work for 96*96.
Ok thanks. I will try to find one for you.

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