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Mirage Enhancements For The Lol's
Well, i have been kind of bored for the past few days, so i decided to see how up to date i can get mirage within a few weeks. Just a fun little project to challenge myself. I figure i will release the source at the end of each milestone, so you guys can check it out and mess around. Below ill keep a update log along with some pictures, expect up 3 or 4 updates a day on this speed project!

Update Log:
Quote:6/18/12 @ 5:57 P.M. -
Started moving the editors to the server to break away from the typical client editors, and reduce the amount of code in the client. Ive managed to finish the npc editor, now that it is done the rest should be a breeze, see picture #1 for details. Also reorganized the server panel to my liking, see picture #2.

6/18/12 @ 9:30 P.M.-
Sorry for the long interval of time without a update, i finished all the editors that will be available server sided, you can view them in the pictures below. Also note that the editors are all stored in one form, which really saves space!

6/18/12 @ 11:57 P.M.
Didn't get much done, getting lazy tonight xD, although i did manage to fix up the server panel a bit more, which now stores the server control panel in different sections.

6/19/12 @ 2:00 A.M.
Well i got a basic byte array system in, i ripped it from a old engine i found, not sure who's system it is, but kudos to them.

Picture Log:
[spoiler]#1: [Image: 84154a09f13bdd70d975dd6c491c61c5.png]

#2: [Image: 05089183443e63c0a9647e273f026d11.png]


[Image: cc16c79961fe6ea0f12b8e8e669b0fa1.png]

#3: [Image: cd6a05163fe78c1e1c5386ef99076913.png]

#4: [Image: 2782fac4df1dac5d5cb12cc758c2267b.png]

#5: [Image: 4795a562664e4b91115a7a8f73b30a54.png][/spoiler]

Enjoy the show,
Pony Man!
I like looking at screenshots Smile Keep the dev going.
The server is kinda big, I think it's better if you make it higher rather than wider.
Stopped the work, just for a few weeks till i get back home.
Alright, keep us updated when you start again.
Im going to go ahead and release the current source, even though it isn't anywhere near ready.

I recommend not using it, ill begin working on the bugs + all the needed features and updates very soon in the future.
Looking back at this, I realize how stupid I sounded just a few months ago.

If anyone is wondering what happened to this, I pretty much dropped it about 3 months ago?

I actually haven't touched Visual Basic for over a month now, I've been experimenting with multiple languages, and the two that really stuck out so far are C++ and C#. I decided to start using C# and I'm actually working on a small engine project in that language, although I'm not sure how far I'll get with that before I look back again and see how awful my past programming methods were.

I may possibly work on this again, but I doubt it. There is really no point in fixing a engine in a dead language, especially considering there are barley any active members left on the forum, and those who have stuck around don't use the engine anymore.

Like I said earlier, these topics really show how far you have progressed over a short period of time, and how stupid you looked just a few months ago xD

We all been there, moving forward is the right decision Smile

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