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Does anyone have...
Does anyone have the forms that go with this old tutorial?
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    frmGuildCP.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDemote_Click()
If txtName.Text = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("You must first enter a playername to demote them.")
    Call GuildDemotion(Trim(txtName.Text))
    txtName.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdInvite_Click()
If txtName.Text = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("You must first enter a playername to invite them.")
    Call GuildRequest(Trim(txtName.Text))
    txtName.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdKick_Click()
If txtName.Text = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("You must first enter a playername to kick them from the guild.")
    Call GuildRemoval(Trim(txtName.Text))
    txtName.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPromote_Click()
If txtName.Text = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("You must first enter a playername to promote them.")
    Call GuildPromotion(Trim(txtName.Text))
    txtName.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
I'm pretty sure he means the physical forms..
Why would he need the physical forms? That tutorial only came with one form, and that's all the code on the form. Which is pretty much the only code that tutorial lacks.

If he can read, he can figure out what the form name is, and the names of the controls on the form.
Rian Wrote:Why would he need the physical forms? That tutorial only came with one form, and that's all the code on the form. Which is pretty much the only code that tutorial lacks.

If he can read, he can figure out what the form name is, and the names of the controls on the form.

I'm pretty sure he can't read.
Christ that was a fast response. I'm pretty sure he can.
Rian Wrote:Christ that was a fast response. I'm pretty sure he can.

I can't tell.

A guild system is super easy to write from scratch. I just did it. Lol.
Lol, I CAN Read. Thx for the code though.
Wow, a guild system WOULD be simple. If I get around to it, I'll write a tutorial up for it. ^^
The hardest part would be the commands, especially since its more complicated to make commands in MS4.
Getting a wierd bug:

"sub or function not defined"

in the:
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ' :: Create Guild packet ::
    ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
    If LCase(Parse(0)) = "createguild" Then
    Dim Z As String
      ' Prevent hacking
        If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < ADMIN_CREATOR Then
              Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Trying to use powers not available")
              Exit Sub
        End If
        ' The Player
        n = FindPlayer(Parse(1))
        ' The Guild
        Z = Trim(Parse(2))
        Call CreateGuild(n, Z)
        Call SetPlayerGuildAccess(n, 4)
        Call SendPlayerData(n)
        Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(n) & " has joined the ranks of " & Z & ".", Black)
        Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(n) & " has joined the ranks of " & Z & ".", ADMIN_LOG)
        Exit Sub
    End If

Call CreateGuild

Isn't this the CreateGuild packet though?
timster0 Wrote:The hardest part would be the commands, especially since its more complicated to make commands in MS4.

It's WAY easier in MS4..
Really? I found it harder. Anyways, any fix for my problem, I though it might have to do with something about "n" not being defined but It only made it worse XD.
You need the sub "CreateGuild"..

Common sense?
But isn't that packet handling the Create Guild stuff? And if I need a sub, where would I put it?
timster0 Wrote:But isn't that packet handling the Create Guild stuff? And if I need a sub, where would I put it?

At the bottom of a module? Usually the one that pertains to the type of information.

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