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Hola Chicos.
Hey whats up guys, im sure some of you here know me but im sure most of you wonder who the heck I am but i used to come here quite often and i have been off and on somewhat since at least 2002 maybe longer i dont know it was in my freshman or sophomore year of highschool and now im 21 and its 07 so somewhere in there but anyways yeah laugh.. if you know me you might have seen a couple of my engines but blah anyways was just looking to see who was still left around and if there were any real sane programmers left on this site. But anyways pm me if you were one of my friends long ago if youve changed names or whatnot.
i remember when you showed up dave hehe you needed a bit of help getting started but ive watched you over time youve come a long way since youve started.. where deus?
I remember your name. Can't remember you exactly though Tongue

Welcome back, sir.
I remember the name.

Welcome back.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
I remember you! You might remember the name Golden1 way back when. Didn't you program for Ebonheart? I think thats where I last saw your name...
Xerp Wrote:i remember when you showed up dave hehe you needed a bit of help getting started but ive watched you over time youve come a long way since youve started.. where deus?

deus vanished a long time ago :
Damn near the same day I got here..
Perfekt Wrote:Damn near the same day I got here..

Now i remember.

Your a cock :mrgreen:
It's not my fault!

Damn filter.. Wtf did you call me?! Tongue
a cock.. :lol:
Spell it backwards..
a ]tide[

Backwards =).
He called me a kcoc..

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